Sinus Pension with beautiful Mongdol beach and sea at a glance
Panoramic sea view in front of the pension,
sea views of all rooms, strolling by the beach, enjoying the beautiful night sea
시누스펜션만의 아름다운 야경을 담아가세요.
Sinus Pension with beautiful Mongdol beach and sea at a glance
Panoramic sea view in front of the pension, sea views of all rooms,
상호. 시누스펜션주소. 경남 남해군 남면 남면로 1173-5 (지번주소 : 선구리 1190) 사업자등록번호. 613-22-48419 (대표 : 박석용)통신판매번호. 제2016-경남남해-63호 계좌. 농협 352-0592-0993-53 (예금주:박석용)