Enjoy a Pool with sea view
Healing Pool

Mordern & Vintage
Enjoy a Pool with sea view
Healing Pool
Mordern & Vintage
Sinuspension with beautiful Mongdol beach and sea at a glance
Panoramic sea view in front of the pension,
sea views of all rooms,
strolling by the beach, enjoying the beautiful night sea
상호. 시누스펜션주소. 경남 남해군 남면 남면로 1173-5 (지번주소 : 선구리 1190) 사업자등록번호. 613-22-48419 (대표 : 박석용)통신판매번호. 제2016-경남남해-63호 계좌. 농협 352-0592-0993-53 (예금주:박석용)